London2 Supported Living Services Ltd accepts referrals for admission/ placement (various sources).
Pre-Needs Assessments
Needs Assessments: The service manager will attend the initial needs assessments at an agreed date and time to gather the relevant information from the service user, relatives, friends and other professionals. The process will also involve observation and evaluation of the service users’ capacity, ability and response in this new environment.
Service Visits
London2 Supported Living Services Ltd welcomes the opportunity for service users and families or professionals to visit the service prior to admission/placement, as long as management is aware of the visit.
Placement Costs
At the end of completing of the assessment, London2 Supported Living Services Ltd will send the costs of providing care and support services to the placement authority or other for approval. The Placement Authority will have to agree to the costs before commencing the care and support service package.
Service User’s Transition Plan
The service manager will put into place a transition plan in which an agreement is made with the service user and other parties concerned before commencing the service users’ care and support package. The transition plan will take into consideration the resources, tools, techniques and methodologies that are required to implement the service for continuity of care and support.
The service induction will be carried out with the individual as soon as he/she starts using our facilities. The aim of the induction is to provide detailed and useful information about the service in order to help the service user to understand the service, surroundings, approach, expectations, rules, etc.
Service Users’ Records
The service/registered manager and the staff team will be involved in the creation of these documents (E.g Care Plan, Risk Assessments, Health Actions Plans, Communication Passport, PBS etc) In the process, the service manager will allocate a Key-worker with the overall responsibility for the service users on a day-to-day basis.
Six (6) Weeks Review
The service manager will liaise with the key-worker to arrange a six weeks review with the service user and relatives along with the other people involved with the service user’s care (e.g. Social Worker, Consultant Neurologist, Psychiatrist, GP, Nurse etc.). This process will provide us with the opportunity to review the service placement with the aim to identify what has worked well for the service user, progress and achievement and any other concerns/ needs that need to be resolved with an agreed action plan within a further three months’ time-frame or earlier. The review chair will share the records of the review to ensure that there is an involvement of all professionals in order to continue to provide holistic and person centred care and support services to the service user.
Three (3) Months Review
The service user’s care plan will be reviewed for the first three months with the staff team. The Key worker will take a leading role to ensure that the action plan agreed previously is discussed and analysed in-depth. Which will be followed by the creation of another new action plan to ensure continuity of effective and efficient care and support.
Six (6) Months Review
The service manager and the key worker will also arrange the six months review in order to follow up the action plan set from the previous meetings. Discussions will be around progress and concerns whilst implementing the action plans, and another new action plan will be created and shared amongst parties.
Yearly/Annual Review
Service users’ annual review will take place to reassess and evaluate the overall implementation of the care plan. The review team will look into the present needs/services, to identify achievements and unachieved goals with further discussions and analysis to verify areas of additional support services if required, follow by the creation of a new action plan for the following year.
Confidence Building to our Service Users through a Safe Interactive Environment.
We listen to what people want and tailor care to meet their needs. We create an environment where people feel safe and work with individuals to build their confidence and skills to lead fulfilling lives.