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London2 Supported Living Services Ltd was founded in June 2021 as a Care and Support Living Care Provider. The company is registered with CQC  as a Regulated activities for personal care. The registered address is: 1 Wadhame Avenue, London, E17 4HS.

The service has 5 bedrooms, with three bathrooms, a shower, dining room, living room, all fully furnished with great consideration of our service user needs and requirements at the heart to make a positive impact in the lives of our service users.

London2 Supported Living Services Ltd provide an autism tailored care and support services with all the appropriate resources and opportunities that enable service users to acquire and develop their skills for independence and maintain a quality of life.

London2 Supported Living Services Ltd is well committed to continuously improve its care and support services to service users. By doing so, London2 Supported Living Services Ltd work in partnership with a range of professionals, service users and their relatives, carers. This enables us to formulate every service users’ care/support plan in a holistic and tailored and person-centred manner. In doing so, we implement strict support guidelines, systems and processes and guidelines which must be adhered to at all times.

This forms part of London2 Supported Services Ltd’ Person-Centred strategy in the continuous delivery standard of care and support services. In addition, London2 Supported Living Services Ltd provides both internally and externally training for its staff team members to enhance their career developments prospect. London2 Supported Living Services Ltd also undertakes regular service quality assurance audits assessment and reviews to monitor the quality of services provided to ensure the best outcomes for our service users.


London2 Supported Living Services Ltd has a staff team with the expertise and experience in the development and delivery of specifically designed services for people with the Autism Spectrum Disorder and Mental Health Conditions, who require care and support in a progressive lifelong caring and supportive environment. We pride ourselves for being an autism specialist service and supporting people with complex needs.

London2 Supported Living Services Ltd offers a range of autism-friendly services with resources and opportunities that enables individuals to maximize their strengths in helping them to live in a safe, motivating and progressive environment. The support we provide is determined individually for each person on the Autism Spectrum. All of our services are supported by a multi-disciplinary team of experienced and committed professionals fully trained to an exceptionally high standard in autism as well as risk management, epilepsy, challenging behaviour, safeguarding as well as other mandatory required training.


Social and Leisure activities service users can participate in:

London2 Supported Living Services Ltd support service users to engage and participate in different activities of their choice. Service users are supported how they would like to spend their time, Whether they would like to meet other people?, Would like to try something new. This is the choice they have in our care and support services delivery.

These support activities are designed in a format that is accessible and appropriate to our service users’ needs and they are open to all. However, we may not always be able to provide support for a specific activity in some cases, but we welcome family members/carers to support their loved ones to participate in organising activities wherever possible. Activities are scheduled to accommodate at the available time a service user can participate without affecting other aspects of their daily lives.